I'm 50 years old, a little overweight and am very social. I have a class of wine most nights. My question is.. I have hypothyroidism which I understand can affect the liver. About 3 years ago, I was at my doctor to look into why my stomach seemed so distended and actually hurt. She had me take a scan that indicated my liver was a little enlarged, or something that was noted.. never discussed with me until my a different doctor mentioned it in passing. Now my liver enzymes are elevated. I have not had a pain reliever in almost 6 months, but again do drink the glass of wine. I apologize, this is lengthy. Now, my actual question is.. I smoked for many years, my mother and grandmother but died of emphysema. It has been suggested that I get tested for COPD, which I understand can affect the liver, (enlarged). Would this scenario cause my liver enzymes to be elevated?