I'm 61. Healthy my entire life till age 48 (AF Pilot). Realized I felt bad and getting worse. Chest pain (no heartburn) from acid reflux and depending on which GI doc I talked with, I had Barrett's esophagus. Been on Nexium 2 x day, 40 mg for 10 years. Also had A-fib unknown to me. Likely for 10+ years before having an ablation 3 years ago - fine now. Next is hemocromitos. Controlled by phlebotomies 2-3 times a year. Ferritin for 1,000+ when they caught it 10 years ago. Now I keep it under 50. Polyp in colon. Doing colonoscopy every five years along with endoscopy. All military health care till a year ago. Now civilian. Have primary care, but extremely busy - 3 months to get an appointment or see his NP. OK, thought you needed a little history. Last two days I have had pain starting at rib cage and going down 3 inches or so in the center of my abdomen. Pain fluctuates from a 3 to a 5 of 10. Limited what I have eaten - no change. Suggestions?