I'm 68 years old. I had a very severe foot cramp on the top of my right foot last night, have them now and then, in the calves, and toes, but never on the top of my foot? It was so bad that it woke me up, had to get up and walk for a few minutes, I drank water went back to bed. This morning, and all day, I'm having a burning, stabbing pain in the intermediate cuneiform area of the same foot, every 15-20 seconds, all day! The pain runs from mid-point of my foot, laterally to the lateral point of the cunial and last about one to three seconds and stops! Then starts again in 15-20 seconds! What the hell is going on? Yes I do have severe arthritis in both feet ankles and non-diabetic Neuropathy in both feet as well. I'm on no pain med's, can't handle the side-effects and they don't work anyway! What do I do? I developed Neuropathy 5-6 years ago, since spinal fusion, and severe arthritis in most joints, I also need both knees replaced and my right shoulder too! What's the point? Where do I start? I'm not an alcoholic, I do smoke. Tried all the usual med's none work! Now it's seems to be getting worse and spreading to my hands and thumbs. I'm a mess! Former US Army paratrooper, Vietnam era, and retired police officer and consultant. My question is, is this an indicator of a new problem or just the ongoing progression of the Neuropothy? If I still have the burning, stabbing pain tomorrow, I'll have to call m GP! Any ideas Doc? I'm not feeling sorry for myself, it is what it is, I could just use a break from the constant, relentless pain, feeling sick all the time and the natural depression, would be nice! LOL! I have private health insurance, no "VA" for me, thank you very much! Any hope at all, any ideas Doc? My poor wife, we can't go anywhere, at least not with me! Forget a vacation or a trip or traveling, and I can only drive for about 15-20 minutes in a car!