I'm a 14 year old girl. I have chronic daily migranes so i take medication every night. I am very active, but have never had that great of stamina. In basketball practice today, we did 2 drills in a row that normally make me get short of breath. Afterwards we got a drink then went straight into another drill. I didn't have a whole lot of time to catch my breath so I was still short of breath. This was a shooting drill where we shot a baseline shot then ran forward to get the person behind us's rebound and passed it to the next person. We then jouged to the back of the line. Normally I would of been able to regain normal breathing, or at least slow back down, but I couldn't. For awhile I stayed the same, but then after having to cbase 2 or 3 balls in a row I was having a bit of trouble and almost started to breath harder, but the drill soon ended. This took about 8 minutes, and then split up in varsity and JV. During the last half of the drill, I started tk get dizzy when I jogged forward to get a rebound and turned around. My vision would start to go dark, but then would come back in a second or 2 and i would be fine. This sort of thing has happened to me before and the neurologist knows about it, and he thinks its just part of the headaches. The only difference was that it nornally only happens when i have been sitting or laying down for awhile and stand up after not really doing or interacting with whats going on around me. This was the first time that it haz happened to me this often in a short amount of time because of my breathing. Our coach had us sit down and talk about our last couple of games and our next game. During this time I started to feel my heart beating in my head, this is normal enough for me. Whenever my adrenaline is pumping I don't know if I have a headache, but after I stop sometimes I can feel my heart beat in my head and it generally means I just have a headche. But this time it was different because I also felt it in my shoulders and upper back. My face started to feel numb almost. I still had feeling in it, but it still felt weird. My arms and legs also started to do the same. It almost hurt to move my fingers or legs. My breathing settled down and the numb feeling in my face went away. My arms and legs didn't feel numb anymore, but they kind of hurt. When I moved they felt really heavy. My upper arm near my shoulder hurt all the way to the bottom if my neck in the left side. It didn't hurt a ton, but whenever I used it, it got harder and harder to use. I started to feel really cold, and I had to put a sweatshirt on even after we started jogging and running through plays again. When I ran for more than a little bit my hips and knees started to get the same feeling my shoulder did. We were done pretty quick and just did a little more shooting. After awhile it got hard to shoot because my arm just felt so heavy. When practice was done, it hurt to lift my arm parallel to the groundout above, and it hurt to walk to the car. It basically hurt to move, but none if this was a very strong pain, but still enough to make me grimace at times. This was about 5 hours ago, and now my arm and shoulder still feel the same, and my legs feel a little bit better, but by the time i get to the top of the stairs, they feel really heavy and hurt again. This is just really odd to me and I don't know how to make heads or tails of it.