I'm a 17 year old female from NZ. Almost six years ago when I was 12 I broke out in a rash. It was all over my legs, arms, stomach, back, chest and a little on my face. My doctor at the time diagnosed it as psoriasis and told me that once it's gone it should never come back. But the rash never went away. And on top of that I had lost 20-30kg in just a small amount of time (3-6 months). It was very sudden and most of it was to blame on my major loss in appetite. Some days I would go without even eating. I then noticed I had a small hard lump in the back of neck, at the base of my head. I went back to the doctor who didn't pay any attention to my weight loss, but put the lump down to a swollen lymph node and told me it'll go away on it's own in a few weeks or so. After that I switched doctors and he referred me to a paediatrician. By then I had begun to have blood in my urine which continued for around 3-6 months and despite every test possible, doctors couldn't figure out the reason as to why. I felt like I was at such a dead end. Once the blood in my urine had stopped the paediatrician then took more blood for more tests. Once the results were back he mentioned something about my white blood count being higher or lower than normal, but obviously not too abnormal to worry about seeing as he didn't look more into it. My symptoms then began to go away and the pediatrician dismissed me and so I never went back. Six years later the rash still comes and goes (mainly on my stomach and arms), the lump in my neck has never gone away, it now hurts to take deep breaths or move in certain ways due to something inside of my left rib cage hurting, badly. I've lost 10kg in about 2 months, my ankles swell after walking too long, my muscles are always sore, my appetite has decreased and I always feel full of eating something small. I've never had a normal menstrual cycle since getting it at the age of 10. I constantly feel tired and sick on and off all throughout the day, lately I've been getting hot flashes and feeling like I'm going to faint. I've fainted a couple of times before. This sucks. I feel like no doctor ever listens to me and I've only come here because a family friend with leukemia suggested I could have the same as her as things started out the same. So I'm asking if any of you have ideas as to what this could be?