Im a 30 year old male, ive been having breathing problems for bout the last 3 years. I've noticed its gotten worse the last couple of months and with chest tightness now. When it happens I panic which seems to make it WAY worse. When I lay down on my stomach, it helps, and sometimes when i get up it feels like there is a weight in my chest and can't breathe right. When I lay back down on my stomach it goes away. ive noticed if my wife gives me a massage it goes away too. A minute ago I yawned and it felt like i got enough air but it feels weird almost like my lungs feel stuck for a second and then i feel breathlessness again. I thought It might be asthma but I dont have coughing or wheezing. The only health conditions I know I have are Pancreatitis, and acid reflex, not sure if its GERD. I quiet smoking a little over 10 months ago and stopped drinking about 8 months ago. Hope that helps. thank you