I'm a 66 y/o, w, male. History of GIST removed surgically in 2012 - it was 5 cm and had a mitotic rate of 13:50. No treatment necessary since then other than a daily Gleevec 400 mg. I've been getting CT scans every 6 months and followed by a physician at MD Anderson. Yesterday I noticed a firm lump in my abdomen on the left side about 1.5 inches below my rib. It feels smooth and round, not attached, slightly tender with firm palpation. My last CT scan was early January 2016 - no pathology noted.
My first assumption was that it was a lymph node and my stromal tumor had metasticized. I have a call into my provider in Houston to follow this, but could this be something more benign? The lump is superficial and anatomically I don't see any lymph nodes in this location. They all seem to be more internal.
Do you feel I could have mets from my GIST? Is a lipoma a possibility? I feel sure I have one on my upper right arm and have an appointment with a surgeon for treatment in about two weeks.