I'm a 69 year old female Health issues: fibromyalgia
I had a reverse left shoulder replacement on August 30th. I've had 5 PT sessions and from the very beginning my range of motion has been above expectations every session. After the first few rounds of exercises, we started with ones that were definitely harder, more painful. My surgeon explained that reverse shoulder replacement would be more difficult for recovery as the muscles are doing totally different things. And the pain in my upper arm, armpit, is really bad. I know that it will take 6-12 months for recovery. But I never expected to be in this much pain, particularly in the upper arm muscles. I understand that can be because of the reversed procedure but I'm wondering if my fibromyalgia is playing a part in this extreme pain. Surgery site hurts as I would expect. But I cannot even move my arm an inch without a sharp pain in that upper arm. I am extremely discouraged. After 10 weeks, I still cannot do much of anything--and definitely not without pain. I have never been an active person, never lifted weights even in my youth so I'm guessing that the muscles in my arms are really underdeveloped, even though I have always had reasonable amount of strength. Any thoughts or advice? I wear a 50mg Fentanyl patch for Fibromyalgia and back pain. I have 10-325 hydrocodone to take when needed but I try not to take them too much. Any input would be appreciated.