I'm a type 2 diabetic taking:
Glimipiride, Jentadueto
Hypertension taking:
Losartan, nortriptalin, metoprolol
Neuropathy taking: Gabapentin
High cholesterol taking: Simvastatin
My question is:::: many years ago I fell down two flights of stairs, compressing my diaphagm... 911 was called, but I recovered by the time they arrive. That ended that. Over the years I had recurring problems with my back... Vertebra "popping," muscle spasms, muscle pain, etc. they were never severe enough or lasting to warrant (in my opinion) going to a doctor for treatment.
The muscle spasms and pain have become more intense, more frequent and more debilitating in recent months. To the point that I'm horizontal (in bed) for multiple days only able to get up to make it to the bathroom or kitchen as needed.
I've made an appointment with my primary care physician tomorrow... But I want to be able to discuss potential drug treatment program and understand any potential side effects with my current regimen.