Im asking as an inquiry for a friend, who’s been having some trouble lately medically. One stipulation to her case being that she has Celiac disease, I’m not too sure how much that would affect anything, considering she has’ had gluten in 9 years and has recently omitted lactose from her diet as well.
She’s 15, and has been suffering from pain in her abdominal area, chest and sometimes back, she has frequent nausea but no vomiting to accompany it, weight loss and had blood in her stool on Friday. These symptoms have been going on for months, and she’s had no diagnosis so far. She’s had blood work done twice, an ultrasound and an x-ray, all turning up normal. The last lead she was given by a doctor (been to her doctor, and emerge twice), was endometriosis, and the closest thing I’ve found to a lead without any medical experience is proctitis.
Any help, advice or option would be greatly appreciated.