I'm asking here because I am very tired of going to the doctor and not getting answers. I researched this and would like to know a doctors opinion before seeing my own and maybe you could also tell me if I should be seeing my primary physician or a specialist.
I was diagnosed with asthma a couple of months ago after a cough on and off since I was 18 (27 now) and a very severe case of pneumonia in December 2014. I don't have issues breathing although sometimes I feel like my airways are blocked and I can't get air in, it doesn't last long though and happens most often after I eat. The cough is also something that is made worse by eating. I also have issues of food going "down the wrong pipe". I feel it's stuck in my chest a lot of times. I recently noticed, while I was vomiting from coughing so hard, a lump in my stomach. It was tight, grapefruit sized and descended out. After I relaxed for about 10 seconds it was gone. I do have pain in my left side where I felt the lump or knot. I have heard of hernias doing this? Causing food to travel down the trachea because the esophagus is blocked I guess you could say, and cause coughing and food to get stuck and pneumonia if food gets to the lungs. I am, obviously, no doctor but I tried to read on this and I'd like a doctors opinion. Please help!