I'm at my wits end with some health issues. Two years ago my right eye started dropping and watering. Tested for a stroke-no stroke. Last year I got MRSA, and also again a few months ago. Also, had meningitis. I have weird episodes of suddenly filling tired. My right hand was the location of the last bout of MRSA, it has been a few months now and it is still swollen, red and very painful. I saw a doctor, prescribed a nerve medicine, now it's changed over to Cymbalta. Not showing much improvement in pain and redness. I have been referred to a neurologist. Also, new symptoms are showing up sudden reddening of arms, chest, and face has happened twice. I've had a CatScan and MRI of head nothing major showed up. This last weekend I spent in bed because I was so sick to my stomach and had very explosive bowels, very watery. I just want somebody to figure out what is going on. I