I'm diagnosed with hypothyroidism and hashimoto's since July 2023. This my second round, because I was diagnosed first time between 2002-2005,but cured in few months with levothyroxine.
Currently I'm in subclinical hyperthyroidism stage with couple of symptoms.
TSH 0,14 (0,5-4) original tsh was 7,04
T4V 18 (11-23) original T4 was 12
T3V (2,6-6,3)
Tpoab was last October 950
Ferritin 58 (15–125)
I might have night time heart beats and night time sweating. Not every night, but occasionally. I get little bit sweaty while walking outside even it would be only +18 or under degrees.
My current medication teva levothyroxine dose is 125microg. I also take 0,5g iodine in kelp format. 500mg x 2 day L-tyrosine.
L-tyrosine is for my digestion plus T4 and T3 conversion. Without tyrosine my conversion won't be working.
Is there chances that my own thyroid still produce a thyroid hormone, because I have heard that not all hypothyroidism patients experience any effect to their T4 and T3 conversion with L-tyrosine and iodine combination?
I'm also type 1 diabetic since 2000.