Im disabled and had cracked my spine in 2 places and ruptured 3 discs and 3 bulging discs. I also have bone degenerative disease. This accident happened in 2001 when i fell 3 stories while building my house. Ive been in serious pain since then with pain meds since nothing else works. All Nuerosurgeeons said no operation will work the way my nerves are being severed by my discs. Recently starting about 2 months ago my bad pain moved from the left side to the right. Oh, this cond. also makes me partially paralyzed. So now severe pain is on right side too and now Im getting bad pain in my front lower right stomach at about the belt area and the severe pain radiates down to my lower right testicle with real bad bad bad pain in my right testicle and pain in my lower right stomach along with the severe pain in my lumbar spine area in the back. Could you tell me possibilities of what could be happining. I just took MRI on FRiday and wont know the report till mon. or tues. My new great doctor said he could see a small stone in the regular xray that i should pass it but i have not yet. About 6 months ago i ended up in the hospital with Chronic Pancreatitus. I have quit drinking for 13 yrs now but at that time of the flare up of the pancreatitus 6 months ago, I started drinking again and ive been drinking sociably. Probably 3 glasses of wine a day and about a 6 pack a day. I take depression meds, also meds for panic attacks, bipolar, PTSD, OCD. What could be giving me that bad testicle pain and lower right stomach pain plus i know what is causing the lumbar spine pain but I dont know why it moved from the left of spine to the right side and thats when I get the severe pain in right testicle and lower right stomach. I dont get that frontesticle pain and the lower right stomach pain until my severe pain starts in my lower right spine everyday. All that bad pain dont start until about noon time everyday. Could you please give me some of your opinions of what the problem sounds like with all the info i gave you?? Thank you very much.