I'm hesitant to ask this question but I need information and I can't ask my doctor because she said that it's not her area of expertise. I'm seeking a doctor who can assist me but I have a new medical provider/plan that has a lot of limitations compared to my last medical provider/plan. The problem is that I made a bad decision that has compounded and even though I know what I need to do, and want to do, this has been as easy that I thought it would be to resolve. I got involved with someone who once used methamphetamine (Meth) so I tried it. This isn't something I want in my life and I know I wouldn't have problems stopping it from a psychological perspective, but the physiological withdrawal is overwhelming. I've tried to find a doctor and treatment program (not inpatient or a 12 step program because I went to Codependents Anonymous 12-step program a few times and I just couldn't grasp or feel comfortable with the concept and format) that I could assist me with this while working around my job. All the ones I went to either treated people that abused alcohol and/or Opioids. They told me that there isn't anything for Meth so I would just have to get through it and it will take about a year until I feel normal again. The problem that I keep trying to express is that if I stop using this drug 2 things happen, one more recently than the other. I sleep for about a week, and when I get past this, I feel drained and barely able to get out of bed each day to function normally. The more recent problem I have experienced is tremendous anger, rage and anxiety to the point where I attack (not physically) anyone I come in contact with, good or bad. My anxiety is off the chart to the point where I can't can't calm down or concentrate. The person I mentioned that was using this drug has stopped. His doctor prescribed Adderall to help with this and he seems to be doing good and getting through the withdrawal symptoms, which were the same ones I'm having now. But from all I've heard and read, physicians are hesitant to prescribe this drug because people abuse it and it is sold on the streets just like Vicodin or other prescription medications that people abuse, which in my opinion makes it very hard for the people that really need medication for legitimate reasons as prescribed by their doctor. All I know is that I'm more than ready to stop but I can't go around raging at people and feeling like a slug. I also work full time and can't miss going to work because I'm a manger so the expectations are higher with coming to work at the top of the list. I've been weening off of it so it won't be such a shock to my health when I stop completely. This helped reduce the initial symptoms of sleeping for week, but it hasn't helped with the extreme anxiety I experience. I can't go around like this, raging at people, especially at work. Unfortunately my supervisor is always scolding me, usually for something my staff did or didn't do which I'm responsible for managing. I don't have the option of quietly working in my cubical, doing the work that I'm responsible for, limiting my interactions with people, do my 8:00 am. to 5:00 p.m. and hit the gate. I also don't have the flexibility to take time off when I need it. I know my health should be my primary focus, but loosing my job is just as high on the list. With all of this my questions are about anything related to Adderall and it's use for withdrawal symptoms, are there any other options from a medical perspective for these types of withdrawal symptoms specifically for Meth, where can I seek assistance about this and how to I approach my doctor to ask about Adderall without them thinking that I'm drug seeking?