In 2007, I had a cancerous tumor in my vaginal wall and had to have a complete hysterectomy.. I also found out I had chronic angina. Then In 2009 they found a cancerous tumor on my right lobe thyroid and removed it. I never had chemo either time. in 2012 my thylossul duct that had grown so large they had to remove it because I could not swallow. I have also had a gastric bypass for health reasons and it solved the high blood pressure, sugar and I have first 4 vertebrae with breaks. I did more different types of injections. The numbness and headaches got worse. the numbness or tingling sensation began down my whole left side. He did the botox injections July 2015 as a last resort and it made the headaches bearable for about 3 months. Now I am experiencing headaches again, eye droop, mouth droop but went to ER checked for stroke. Neurologist says its complicated migraines.
I am stressed out with family issues and being sick all the time causing depression
Even though I am on the 1oth type of muscle relaxer my neck muscles are so tight and painful
Im Moody, have difficulty focusing, cant remember yesterday, no problem solving skills, muscle pain, walk sideways most of the time in the last month. I cannot think clearly, finish a sentence and am an emotional rollercoaster. no one has found an answer yet. Please help