In May of this year I had an endoscopy for answers to a stomach problem, The MD found no tumors or problems. But after coming out of sedation I was unable to control my voice and speech was broken similar to laringitus. The MD told me it was normal and I would get my voice back in a few days. I went to see him a week later, still having difficulty speaking. He gave me prescriptions for Acid Reflux, sucralfate and lansoprazole I have been taking this meds with no results for my voice. I explained to the MD I have never had acid reflux no burning of the throat. What happened during the procedure to cause this damage to my vocal cords, He referred me to an ENT MD and he is going along with the other MD that It's the GERD problem. I don't agree, they are not being honest with me, all I speak to about the problem says they are hiding something. Also, I realized the day after I went to the Hospital May 25, 2016, it was constipation and gas, no more stomach problem. Can you give me any suggestions as to what went wrong with the endocopy and can damage to your vocal cords happen?