I was hospitalized 18 months ago for an acute attack of pain which was diagnosed as zyphoiditis, after examination by cardiologists, neurologists, rheumatologists and pain management team. The acute pain resolved, but a chronic component has manifested since then. The area is sensitive to palpatiion, discomfort is intermittent, some exercise has not effect and walking uphill for one block can present discomfort and shortness of breath.
Western medicine has not been able to solve the problem and most physicians I have consulted with are at a loss to be able to deal with it. Since the symptoms mimic heart involvement, I have had numerous echo cardiograms and physical examinations which rule out a heart attack.
My question: Would accupuncture treatments provide a cure, or at least, long lasting relief? when the discomfort is manifest, it seems to radiation through to the right scapular area.