I recently had two operations to correct blood leaked into my eye causing complete blindness. I did not let them cut my optic nerve) and put in a prosthetic. I had one solid year of PAIN. i THOUGHT i NEEDED TWO ROOT CANALS. The new ceramic lens moves with my semi-good eye. Now my retinal specialist sees my vision to 20/30 (earlier it was 20/50). I would like to know more about Dr. Raymond lezzi and if I would be a candidate for his BIONIC EYEwritten about in Medic News Today by James McIntosh. I am terrified of losing both eyes. I was almost 60 when Diabetes took my left eye and I am now 70,single, no family and stay in due to all the complications of having only one eye (imbalance, poor driving and no sight after dark even with light bulbs and depth perception problems.. I would be forever grateful if you could reply to me. Ann Marie Doyle, 611 Third St., #6, Traverse City, MI 49684 231 947-1999. God Bless You.