I am having to testify at a murder trial only because I installed some technology at the scene. I suffer from Anxiety Disorder ( my family has a long history ) but for over 30 years I have managed it holistically and by avoiding certain stressful situations, i.e. public speaking, etc. This I cannot avoid and the stress is through the roof. My doc has given me .25 tabs of Xanax for twice a day and that was fine for the past three weeks, the past three days I feel the familiar feelings of depression sneaking in, early morning awakenings, dread, loss of focus. My appearance should be within the next couple of weeks. I am thinking that .5mg/ day of Xanax is not enough and I wanted a second opinion. When the Xanax is working ( first hour or two ) I don t feel such dread and fear. But early in the morning .25 does not seem enough for me to hold these scary feelings at bay. I m thinking an increase in dose could get me through without depression and it s meds being required. What do you think?