Hi, I am a 32 year old male (non-smoker, normal weight and active, and eat a balanced, low-salt/low-fat diet). I have high blood pressure and sleep apnea (treated with APAP machine) and I m currently taking 3 different BP meds (amiloride 5mg 2x day, Hydroclorothiazide 12.5mg 1x day, and amlodopene 2.5mg 1x day).The amlodopene was added 2 weeks ago when my BP was 158/96 at doctor s office.I have been tracking it since and it wont come down. Today it was 166/95.I have had, EKG, Echo, Renal arterial ultrasound, and been to a kidney specialist. I still don t know the underlying cause. The only drug combo that seemed to work was lisinopril/HTCZ combo and Eplirenone; however, the Kidney specialist switched me to the amiloride. What should I do?