Hi,I am female, caucastion, 54, married with two children. I can t work anymore due to the fatigue, pain, and lack of muscle recovery after any activity. Since 6/2012 I have been taking Cymbolta 60mg and Wellbutrin XL 300mg, both one time per day. Also, as needed, Meloxicam for pain. I have not been officially diagnosed with anything Dr.s are just treating symptoms. Blood tests show nothing of concern. EXTREME joint and muscle pain one month after stopping Zoloft 50mg. Had been taking for 6 years. My mother passed away one year before I stopped taking the Zofoft. The Dr.s think I have depression/pain from grief and stress from my mothers death.Yes, it was a rough time.......I have read about a fall out of persons that stop taking an anti depressant. Anyway,I have been taking Tumeric. I want to reduce pain, and any inflammation naturally, and get off these medications. That s why I stopped the Zoloft in the first place. So....... I d like to know safe therapeutic dosages, contraindications for:Turmeric,Garlic,Bromelain ,Cherry juice,Raw Apple Cider Vinegar Also, if Capsaicin is helpful, if so, how much.Also, what is the most potent Turmeric product (tablet, extract, powder) I feel tablets just go right through a digestive system without being fully absorbed.I am so ready to be a lab rat I am willing to try anything (safe dosages!!!!) to get off these meds.By the way I still have pain and fatigue on the med.s I have mentined.Thank-you for your time!R.Jackson