So in December 2014, I had sex with my now Ex-Boyfriend, but he DID NOT ejacaulate and we used a condom the whole time. He wasn't in for more than 2 minutes because I was worried. In January I had my period and it came right on time, and lasted 7 days. 3 days before my period was due this month, I made this guy 'cum' and then he rubbed his penis on my clit (there was no obvious sperm on his penis as we wiped it off). My period was due on the 14th of February so I am now 3 days late. I normally get bad acne and sore breasts but I only have the acne. I normally get a bit 'loose' in the excriment area, and I currently am (good sign... I DO NOT have constipation). I have anxiety and recently I had a bad panic attack, and a few little ones. Plus I have a slight cold atm. Could this be the course of the late period?
To conclude:
•I had protected sex with no ejaculation
•I have since had a period
•I have no pregnancy symptoms
•I came in contact with a penis which previously ejaculated, and was then rubbed on my clit.
Do you think I am pregnant?