Is there a contraceptive pill that works well for relieving symptoms of adenomyosis with out worsening PMS sysmptoms such as moodiness, depression and bloating? I am considering starting a medication but fear the possible side effects. I am 37, had 3 successful pregnancies. Already lost one ovary to a dermoid cyst. Will something like Yasmin still work well with this condition?
I also wonder how successful are partial hysterectomys, where the uterus is removed but the cervix and ovary is left in place. I asked my doctor about the surgery and he said he would just automatically take the cervix. I do not want that. My cervix has never had any issues and pap smears have been perfect every time. Honestly, I like my cervix where it is, I am just tired of my uterus and it's issues every month.
Just weighing all the options. Thanks for the feed back.