My daughter Shambhavi Sengupta was born on 8.10 .10. All her developments were quite delayed as teeth came out at the age of about 9 months, she learned to walk after she completed one year 2 months. she was quite active had good eye contact but as she grew up she became more and more naughty & stopped looking at eyes. Her power of hearing is very strong and she very well identifies relatives house or the roads leading to it. she knows her way back home from school as Ihave often left her hand and watched if she can identify which way she has to go . she startles at sudden loud noise and has a storng liking for good music. she dances to tunes and even watches herself in the mirror while making the moves. she loves putting on make –up and immitates me while I am doing so . Initially she did not like to play with toys but recently she has developed a liking for dolls. she follows a few commands but unwillingly.. she has a tendency to follow her own mood . she loves gatherings and cries when visitors gets up to leave our place she loves the gathering of children and plays with them . when she attained 19 months of age I started to send to school& she enjoys going there . Doctors have said that she has ADHD and is in the stage of minor autism she can pronounce all the alphabets as K,L,B,I etc and even the nasal ones as M,N,. Iam sending her for a training class once a week . her trainer said she does not have any speech problem it is just that she doesnot feel the need to talk as all her wishes are being fulfilled through her signals . she can indicate everything like drinking water , going to toilet ,pain in any part of her body,desire to go out for a walk etc She never chews her food and she is always unwilling to taste anything new . At a very young age she became squint very often but now it is almost gone . she can express all her emotions she has never been given any medicine regarding this nor has she gone through any kind of tests other than observations. .