I've been experiencing numbness in my face, particularly on the right side but it spreads to the rest of my face and if I focus on it, my whole body. I'll also eventually become placid and unresponsive if it goes on for long enough. I've been experiencing it for a few years now but recently the number of symptoms have grown and gotten worse. I get intense migraine and cluster headaches on the right side of my face, which have been getting more frequent, and when I wake up the next day after one a glob of thick translucent yellow goo with a much different look and texture than snot will come out of my right nostril. often I'll wake up and my right eye will be much more dilated than my left. I've been getting got flashes, but last night was the worst it's been. I kept stripping my layers off and sticking my head out if the window every 30 seconds or so. I took my temp and I was at only 94°. Technically hypothermic. After that I stopped going to the window to cool off no matter how much I felt like I was burning up and kept my covers on until it was over. Cognitively I've also been feeling more dazed and slow, kind of like my brain is wading through a pool of molasses this past week.