I've been having a lot of problem with my throat. When I went to the hospital because I had an panic attack because of my symptoms, the doctors told me it was just anxiety . The symptoms stopped for a while then came back . I feel this pressure in my throat & it feel tight. Sometimes it feels like I can't breath or it's difficult to swollow. My ears feel pressure, underneath my ears feel pressure & my jaw . The back sides of my tongue feels sore & sometimes feel like the pressure radiates in my teeth & gums. I feel a burning sensation under my ears & down the sides of my neck. I've been to urgent care twice . The first time she checked for strep, it was negative. She gave me allergy medicine, it didn't work. The second time the doctor tested me for mono & strep, both was negative but he still prescribed me amoxicillin. I don't know if I should be taking this medication. I've been taking it for two days & my mouth feel kind of weird & my symptoms still come & go. I'm not sure what I should do.