I've been on a 3 day meth binge, not like it's the first time. But I'm 17 and now that I'm crashing I have this dreadful headache, dizziness, my throat and mouth are very dry and water doesn't help( I brush my teeth 3 times a day, sometimes more, since I smoke it and the taste lingers on my tounge.) I've also been having really bad middle back pain to the point I can't move and constantly feel like I need to crack my back and also my neck. My entire back just feels sore and there's a inside bruise on my back on the left side right below my ribs that severly hurts. Why do I feel so sore in my back ? And is there anything I can do about the dry feeling in my mouth?sometimes it gets so dry (even though I drink at least 8 bottles of water a day) I can't talk or eat because it feels vulnerable my voice is very hoarse now.. Could this be due to smoking it ? Did I crystallize my throat ?