I've had a chronic throat clearing problem for at least the last 30 years. I'm 46 years old and in good health otherwise. My hobbies are hiking, weightlifting, and cycling. My 78 year old father seems to have the exact same thing, and my 7 year old daughter is showing early signs of it. It's more or less constant throughout the day, but more intense after having eaten something. After I eat something, I feel like I'm unable to completely swallow the last remnants of food and there's a reflexive urge to "hock it up," until the last little particle of food is expulsed from my throat. That last little particle may be as small as the smallest speck of pepper that you can imagine, or even barely see. It may be two or more hours of sometimes violent, convulsive throat clearing until it feels completely clear and the urge subsides. By then, it's time to eat again! Crumbly, gooey things like chocolate chip cookies are the worst. Often times it keeps me up at night. Social situations are stressful to say the least. My wife is very patient. I've been to probably a dozen doctors over the years; specialists and sub-specialists all of them. I've had all the standard tests performed, some of them three and four times. Barium Swallow: (4X) always negative. They say that that little bit of liquid that's not going down is "normal." Cookie Swallow: (3X) always negative. They say that those little particles of cookie that don't get completely swallowed are "normal." Scopes and x-rays indicate that there are no abnormal structures such as diverticula (sp?). Tissue samples indicate the complete absence of GERD. Breathing tests are negative for asthma. Every ENT specialist I've been to, after performing all those tests over and over again, just throws their hands up in the air and then refers me to someone else. My father has had the same agonizing experience. I don't know. Maybe I've been barking up the wrong tree. Maybe my swallowing IS "normal" and what I really have is a sensitivity problem. Is it possible that the tissues in my throat are too sensitive to particulates and what I really need is to see a nerve specialist? Acupuncture? I know it may sound farfetched, but I'm desperate at this point. Pleas help!