I've noticed white areas on my tongue over the years, they move, go away, reappear. I didn't really pay them any attention until my dentist recently identified it as Geographic Tongue and he kind of chuckled and showed it to his assistant and that was the end of that. I told him it was the result of a burn on hot food, I've had it before and it goes away on it's own. In fact the spot was gone 2 weeks later when I went in for cavity fillings and he had forgotten I was the one who had GT. I have no idea what I did to cause it to go away, I just figured the burn had simply healed.
I was ready some of the answers to other related questions below and one Dr recommended zinc supplements, I read elsewhere that it could be a Vitamin B deficiency. Has there been any definitive results with vitamin or dietary treatments? Would tongue scraping help to aid in shedding the dead cells?