I've stopped taking Zoloft due to being 9 weeks pregnant. My psychiatrist helped me taper down from 200 Mg to zero, going down in 50 Mg increments. I've been without it for approx 2 weeks now. I've recently gotten sick with Exudative tonsillitis and was put on Augmentin BID, I am on my 3rd day. I've felt a little bit jerky over the past few days, I've related that to my sickness and morning sickness, but today I noticed that even walking or moving abruptly I feel as if I'm having mini seizures.
It feels as if someone is taking me and shaking my whole body, the breath escapes me for approx 5-10 seconds as tremors go throughout my body.
A few friends of mine have told me to go to the ER, but I feel if I just sit and no move... the strange feeling of tremors will not attack me as badly. (Though they still do, but not to the extent of losing my breath).
I am seeing my midwife for my second trimester visit next week, should I tough it out until I see her?