Last week (6 days ago) my lower back started to hurt really bad, after about 2 hours the pain went to my stomach too. I had to throw up, my boyfriend gave me advil and after 1 hours the pain went away.
The next day i had to pee & i saw a little red dot in my pee. It looked like a tiny piece of skin with blood on it.
Since then the pain doesnt go away, i take advil every 8 hours or something so i dont feel the pain.
3 days ago i had again a little red dot in my pee, and the pee was a little bit pink.
For the past 4 weeks i have the "feeling" i'm pregnant, i took a test about 2 1/2 week ago but it was negative.
I passed out in a store, i feel really tired, i'm very emotional (when my boyfriend leaves for work i cry cuz i miss him)
I'm craving food i never liked before, i can smell everything really well & i just dont feel the same.
Can i be pregnant or is it just all in my head?
I made an appointment with my doctor for next week, but i'm worried & curious.
We didnt try to get pregnant but if i am it would be a great blessing.
I'm on birth control but i skipped my stop week for the past 2 months.
We dont use any other protection