Lately I have felt really odd. I thought it might be the flu and ignored it, but I now know it isn't the flu. My family and friends say it's stress, but I do not stress easily nor do I really feel stressed or anxious. I keep getting told it isn't important enough for the ER. My doctor cannot see me for about a week.
I am a 39 year old obese female. Lately I have had a hard time breathing, I actually have to make myself breath deeper. My muscles ache and are fatigued for no apparent reason, all over my body. Even the muscle in my face are feeling odd but not drooping, just...weird. My mid back and shoulders actually hurt and are very tense feeling. I feel discomfort in my throat, under my jaw, and both the sides and back of my neck muscle ache. I get winded easily with activities I could do just fine a little over a week ago. I have slight vertigo when standing too quickly.
A week ago Sunday I was working, nothing bad, actually light for my usual duties. I got really dizzy, tired, thought I was going to pass out. I started feeling nauseous and had to sit down. Being nauseous and dizzy comes and goes, but is not persistent and was only really bad that first day. There were pains in my jaw and tightness in my back but it too faded to just discomfort.
I cant really explain the overall feeling. My body feels weak and odd, my muscles dont want me to get out of bed even though I am not sleepy or tired. Normally I am very active and productive and the normal tasks I do seem to be a challenge. I am wondering if I should wait a week to go see my doctor or if it is more serious and I should go to the ER