Less than a week after my lasik surgery i began to have headaches daily. at first they were in the afternoon or evenings, but more recently they are a nagging pain all day (unless i use some pain relief). They are quite easily controlled by paracetamol but i would rather not need to take pain relief every day. The headaches are around my eyes(sockets and brow), in my temples, across my forehead and on the top of my head near my hairline. I can get some relief from them by applying pressure. There are some places under my brow lines where there is tenderness. The ophthalmologist who did my lasik surgery can find nothing 'wrong' with my eyes. They are a bit dry but do not present as having anything else wrong with them. My vision is excellent. Is it possible that the dry eyes post surgery are creating these headaches? Or do you think this is a coincidence? In the last 6 weeks since the lasik procedure I have also had a cold and possible sinus infection, and a root canal procedure. My sinuses do feel tender to touch but there are no obvious signs of infection such as mucous or fever. I am doing daily nasal irrigation, saline nasal spray and a nightly steroid nasal spray as recommended by my doctor. I am having regular massage and acupuncture and occasionally taking a nightime sedative/relaxant to help with anxiety/tension. It is a very depressing situation as there doesn't seem to be much improvement over time and we are no closer to finding an answer to the cause of this problem and therefore even further away from finding a solution. Any information or advice would be much appreciated.