Looking for differentials for stiff person, myoclonus, abdominal wall pain, rigidity, spasticity, muscle calcification, fibromyalgia, myofascial, pernicious anemia, hyper IgM, and CD 4 T%, helper/suppressive ration, low IgG (plasma and CSF), low CD3 and CD56, low protein (plasm), mild elevated CFS protein, posterior high intensity T2 signal from C5-T2, (subacute combined degeneration, viral myletis, and demylinating diseases in differential), scoliosis. Multiple neurologic manifestations starting with relapsing aseptic meningitis with HSV-2 accompanied with inability to bend legs and restriction of right leg). Bladder infections became chronic (voiding issues) and IBS (mostly hyper) then encephalitis with 103 temp, with recurrent "similar" episodes (altered state of consciousness, tremor, fatigue, and greasy skin, increased psoraisis) shorter in duration and longer periods between episodes. Initially thought to be Parkinson's but symptoms improved over 4 years with aforementioned relapses. Chronic EBV activation. Other autoimmune are psoriasis, narcolepsy, maybe metabolic syndrome. History of multiple head traumas (age 17 induced narcolepsy, age 20 fractured skull in 3 places -- induced myofascial, migraine, fibromyalgia), chronic sinus infections and throat infections as teen. Surgery to remove polyps). Rear-ended in 2009, age 40, neurological manifestations, returned tremor, rigidity, migraines, and left foot foot-drop. All red blood cells became abnormal and EBV became chronically active and narcolepsy attacks increased dramatically. Hand graph at 42 with nitrous oxide, 4 weeks later legs began to fail. Morning I'd fall down and by afternoon could walk like a horse and gait became wide. But after sleeping the same process began. Began to fear sleep because of legs failing. This is when posterior cord destruction was found. MAYO Rochester 6 months later gave the above differentials, in addition to myopathy, anemia, abdominal wall pain, chronic bacterial colonization of balder, and chronic oral/esophageal c. albicans and the immune mentioned above has remained consistent. Trying to find underlying cause.