MRI of the cervical spine
clinical indication: neck pain. Concern for herniated disc
technique: multiplanar, multisequence MR images of the cervical spine were obtain.
Finding: the C1-C2 relationship is maintained, The cerebellar tonsils are normal in position.
No acute compression fracture is demonstrated. Straightening of cervical lordosis is seen. No abnormal marrow replacement process is visualized. No focal lesion is identified within the cervical spinal cord. Anterior apondylosis and sic space narrowing are appreciated at C4-C5 and C5-C6.
C2-C3, 1-2mm subligamentous central disc herniation impresses on the thecal sac.
C3-C4, 2mm bread-based central disc herniation impress on the thecal sac.
C4-C5, 3mm bread based right prarcentral disc herniation impressed on the ventral cord with mild spinal canal stenosis.
C5-C6, annular disc bulge impresses on the thecal sac
C6-C7 no disc herniation, disc bulge, spinal canal stenosis or neural foraminal narrowing is seen
C7-T1 no disc herniation, disc bulge, spinal canal stenosis or neural foraminal narrowing is seen,
1. C2-C3, 1-2mm subligamentous central disc herniation impresses on the thercal sac.
2. C3-C4, 2mm bread-based central disc herniation impress on the thecal sac.
3. C4-C5, 3mm bread based right prarcentral disc herniation impressed on the ventral cord with mild spinal canal stenosis.
4. C5-C6, annular disc bulge impresses on the thecal sac
5. straightening of cervical lordosis. Correlate clinically for muscle spasm or muscle pain.