Man, 64 whome I job shadowed last 6 years had half right foot amputated 4-5 weeks ago I've been left on 24 7 watch/care. On a vac pack. Was off it for two days put back on yesterday 2pm. Has two other large like hole on remainder of foot from artery replacement... Which leaves 20inch incision scare iner right thigh, 8weeks ago. Healing wound back of same heal-removed pins installed from compound fracture few years ago, guess was an amputation preparation situation. The same leg was completely blown out, tounge was severed and massive head trauma, broken ribs etc., from a falling tree landing on his head in 1993... I know he's been on blood thinners, has clot disorder since then. bleeding ulcer November 2016, icu for two weeks, neglected to give him thinner/internal bleeding??? Formed clot toes lost circulation, form gangrene, then amputate. He had lupus, fibermogya, R.A........