Mom is on a wide variety of meds atenolol, lisopril, cardidopa, celexa, advair, spiriva, amlodpine, crestor, hyoscyamine, metformin, keppra, vimpat and sucralfate. She has been getting UTIs more frequently. She is diabetic, A1c 6.3 non insulin dependant (Type II) and has always taken Bactrim. I am concerned for she has another one and two weeks ago was treated with Bactrim. She is ESRD 3 (otherwise BP good and labs stable). Her physician prescribed Cefuroxime and am concerned about interactions (although I saw none with the above), but more so concerned about side effects. She already has stomach upset (discomfort) with the present, ever re-curring UTI. Should she try this med tonight. (note: labs always show e.coli infection). Thank you for your response to my inquiry.