Mon 22 Feb 2016: It started off when i woke up in the morning with just a little headache, I took paracetamol andwent back to sleep. The whole day I was in bed. Was shivering at some points even though temperature didn't change was hot at other points. Think I might have had fever. Felt the need to vomit but it just didn't come out.
When I went to urinate it was painful, there was that burning sensation at the tip of the urethra, I never felt that I finished even though my bladder was empty. Next day I was fire the most part fine. Then as time past the urethra got itchy. It was hard to do anything with this irrigation.
Tonight the burning sensation came back full force, this time in my backside as well. When I went to urinate (after drinking 2 cups of cranberry juice) it was burning, then at the end of the stream it was brown, I thought it was the cranberry juice then I saw the last few droplets were red, I've urinated blood.
It still hurts and now I'm getting worried, I've been drinking cranberry juice but it didn't help.
What is this called?
I'm 17 male.