My 20 yo daughter went to the ER with what we thought was appendicitis. It turned out to be a2.5 cm left ovarian cyst and a pocket of fluid. F/U with her Gyn revealed a complex hemorrhagic cyst measuring 4.5 cm and the pocket of fluid from running from the left ovary, behind the uterus, to the right side of her abdomen. ( the right side is where she feels the most pain, why we thought it was appendicitis.) We are having problems reaching the Dr with her continuous pain. Shes been to the Gyn 2x in a week, not to mention the ultrasound, and the ER vist. The physician keeps giving her pain meds and is requesting we wait 6 weeks for a f/u. She is missing time from work because at times she can hardly stand from the pain. She is not a large person, and it is noticeable that her abdomen is swelling, a significant amount, as in her pants are not fitting through the waistline. We are on day 9 dealing with this. Any recommendations on treatment? We were told the cyst wont dissolve so i'm not sure as to why we are watching it for 6 weeks, also what about the pocket of fluid?