My 89 year old mother has suffered 2 pelvic fractures and her internist prescribed hydrocodon- acetaminophen 5-325 for pain, to be taken no more frequently than every 6 hours. He gave her 20 pills. They are alleviating the pain, but are making her shaky on her feet and a little fuzzy mentally. It is Sunday, and she has only 3 1/2 pills left and the pharmacy cannot refill the prescription without a doctor's new authorization, which cannot be obtained until tomorrow. Is there any problem with her trying to stretch out the medication by alternating Ibuprophen with the pain pills? She has no allergies to non-steroidal inflammatory medication, and in the past, her doctors have told her to take Aleve for pain. Also, are there any prescription drugs which should not be taken with hydrocodon? My Mom takes a variety of other prescription medications for other conditions, including restless leg syndrome and high blood pressure, and also regularly takes a baby aspirin.