My 9-y-o has rash on outer thigh. Red raised bump encircled by ring of red (pink) bumps, almost perfectly even (circle). Outer edge-to-outer-edge diam. ~2 in. Just noticed this afternoon. She said she felt & saw a mosquito on this exact area (which coincidentally is exactly half diam. from a bee sting the prev. evening [bee sting site puncture still visible]) & "smacked"/brushed it away. No itching, other than "regular mosquito itching" the day of, possibly next day. This "bite" occurred on Sat. (5 days ago). No scaling. She never noticed anything. I just happened to notice it this afternoon (7/29) & asked her questions re: it. She has been feeling "sick" since Sun. a. m. (nausea & headache), but never any fever, sore throat, coughing, vomiting, earaches, etc. Just not feeling well, tho' eating & drinking some (comfort foods, whatever she wants, mac 'n' chs., peaches cut up, Sour Patch Kids [!], chs. & crackers, etc.). Many peop. think ringworm, but no itching or scaling, and feeling not well since Sun. a. m. Have dr. appt. sched'd. for this a. m.