My Endocrinologist just prescribed Ezetimibe for me to take with my Atorvastatin. I was originally taking 10MG of Atorvastatin, but due to aches and pains in my arms I cut it down to 5MG and she knows that and thought maybe if I took Ezetimibe, which she said isn't a statin and shouldn't cause arm pain, it would help lower my cholesterol. After reading all the side effects, it sounds like I would just be adding various other complications and possible muscle pain in my arms anyways. I don't like taking unnecessary medicines and wanted another opinion if you can impartially give me one. I am a 73 year old female that has had juvenile diabetes for 44 years, but in rather good health. My last readings 7/31/18 were: Cholesterol 227, HDL 79, Calculated LDL 136.1, LDL-Calculated 136.1 and Triglycerides 59.