My Mother In Law had a massive stroke on Sept 29th. the stroke was in the middle of her brain where the spinal cord comes into her brain. she was in ICU for 5 days then went into an LTACH until last Wednesday. At the LTACH, she was progressing with therapy, starting to walk with a walker (with help) and her speech was starting to improve. She was evaluated and went to a rehab hospital. Once she got there she began deteriorating. Her speech is worse, she nauseated when she gets up, she is starting to be a little scatter brained just to name a few things. they did a cat scan yesterday and it showed some swelling in the brain. Doctor didn't seem overly worried, but today, I am reading about this and it really seems to be a huge problem. He said they were going to try steroids to reduce the swelling. They are also have a lot of problems trying to keep her blood pressure down , it is almost always around 170-180 over 50-60. She is 84 years old. Can you give me any additional information about this. what are the chances she can recover from this.