My September menstural was like every month regular in the beginig of the month (can't remember exact day) October and November were like 2-3 days late making it more right before the 10th. Now this month (December) it's the 20th and I have yet to get a menstural. So I took 2 clear blue choice pregancy tests (they are what I used last time I was pregnant and missed my period, and was positive, so I can trust this high end drug store pregnancy test) so I take a test today first thing in the morning, well I took 2 and both negative. I have had mild cramping the past 2 days but it could have been linked to the diherrah and constipation I have had the past 2 days. No nausea or morning sickness, I do feel like "fuller" in my uterus if that makes sense. By fuller I don't mean I look fuller I just feel fuller down there if that makes sense..but I think that might all be in my head. I have not had un protected sex, me and my partner always wear condoms. So first thing Monday(today is Saturday) I will call my gyno and make a app doe Friday so a week away. And if I do get my menstural before my app (gives myself a week to really see if I get it or not) if I do get it before I will just cancel my app. But in the mean time, do I sound pregnant or just irregular?