My brother in Salmon Arm, B.C., had a supposedly "small" heart attack after bladder cancer surgery (24 hours after being sent home/day surgery). In hospital in Salmon Arm, today they were sending him to Kelowna by ambulance, when the ambulance turned around 1/2 way there because the cardiologist in Kelowna refused to do angiogram/stent after looking at his 2008 angiogram (taken prior to quadruple by-pass surgery). The Internist in Salmon Arm doesn't understand why this decision was made; they do by-pass at Kelowna as well and the cardiologist there looked at an 8 year old, pre-by-pass angiogram.
The Internist in Salmon Arm is seeing if he can be sent to Victoria for treatment.
What are we supposed to do to force the health system to care for him, not just leave him to have yet another heart attack? I've told him to ask about nitro-patches to help keep the arteries open and about the radioactive dye injection (which allows cameras to trace valves, blockages etc. and assess arteries instead of the angiogram if unwilling to risk going into the heart that way). I'm in Ontario, will fly out to deal with it, but surely to God there must be some way to get action from the B.C. medical system. He is my only remaining family; if any further damage happens, I will sue them.
Any sensible advice welcomed.