My daughter did not have a tick of any kind on her, but was exposed to a lot of mosquitos last evening around 6pm & had one mosquito bite on each arm (we were gardening). One of the bites showed a ring around it this morning (bulls eyes style) about 12 hours after being exposed to mosquitoes. From what I've read, the deer tick would need to be attached to her for quite some time in order for her to be exposed to Lyme & there is no way there was a tick on this obvious spot on her arm for any amount of time. I check her for ticks at night & she had a bath last night. I took her to the dr. here & the dr. didn't feel that she fit the criteria to have been exposed to Lyme, but wanted to treat her with a dose of antibiotics anyways just to be safe. However, she could not find any information on a safe antibiotic for children under 8 years old who have been bitten by a deer tick. She finally found one (can't remember the name) but no one in town has that particular antibiotic. I have researched a bit more myself since getting home (waiting for calls to be returned from the dr.), and it seems that some people may get this reaction from mosquito bites (maybe due to an allergy?). The bite looks like a normal mosquito bite. The ring is maybe a little less than 1/3 inch out from the bite in all directions (as it's a circle). It's not raised or a rash at all. It's pretty faint in coloring, more pink than red....What say you?