My daughter had a UTI back on December 10th! She had septoplasty surgery on the 16th of December. She continued to have the feeling of urgency even though we returned to the dr. and her culture was negative. It seems to get worse when she is in her period. She has been to 4 doctors... 2 uro-gynecologists, 1 urologist,and 1 gynecologist. She has had a cat scan, a sonogram, and cultures and they cannot find what is causing this issue.They thought at first it might be gynecological... but they ruled that out... they thought it might be bowel because during the sonogram, they had trouble seeing everything because of a lot of gas in her abdomen and bowel full... we are scheduled to see a gastro dr. in April! She continues to feel this sense of urgency ...she calls it a tickle in her urethra...and she is soooo frustrated. Can you share any light on what might be the issue?