My daughter has episodes related to ANY type of trauma... slamming a thumb in the car door, smacking a knee into the freezer case at work, and just now when she tripped over a toy and fell on the floor.
Her symptoms are VERY strange and scare the hell out of us.
She gets faint and passes out, starts to sweat profusely, goes rigid, her eyes dialate ALL the way out and then immediately has a seizure, . This lasts for 2-3 min then her eyes go back to normal, the sweating slows then stops and she slowly comes around. After coming to she is weak, dizzy and nauseous and has trouble remembering what happened to her. She will fight that for 20-30 min before falling asleep to rest for 6-10hrs. After this she is apparently fine but she never remembers the episode itself. .
She has been seen in the ER for this twice, 1st time she went by ambulance since we though she broke her neck or something! The 1st episode of this was when she fell down a short flight of 4 stairs at the age of 13. We have never been given an explanation for her symptoms. And she has episodes of varying severity every few months. All it takes is for her to bang a thumb, or stub a toe and she has one. This doesn't seem to happen with burns, punctures, cuts or abrasions, only blunt trauma.