My daughter is on Suboxine. After a course of IV antibiotics for a cellulitis/abscess, she was discharged from the hospital with Bactrim DS. Is there any contraindication to taking those two meds? She's feeling 'shaky' and feels like her heart is pounding. She's on day 6 of the Bactrim, After using heroin about 2 wks ago, she re-started her Suboxine (4mg), which she's been on (on and off between relapses), for over a year. None of her other meds have changed recently. Also, like most addicts she ingests unbelievable amts of sugar ; this is ongoing. She just started complaining of the shakiness about 3 days ago. She also has chronic, severe constipation and chronic insomnia (her sleep is fitful, she rarely sleeps more than 20-30 min at a time). She had bld work at the hospital; we haven't gotten any calls that it was abnormal. I know her liver enzymes were very high-she was recently diagnosed with Hep C, and possibly B (I haven't seen those reports). She's 29 yrs old, has appt scheduled with an infectious disease specialist (to follow up after the abscess, and we will ask if he will also address the hepatitis).She's in the process of finding a primary care physician. Thank you so very much. ps: I try desperately to get her to cut way down on the sugar; also she smokes- 1/2-1 pack a day. Her nutrition in general isn't good- she has many GI complaints, along with the constipation. As of today, she hasn't moved her bowels, except for "deer turds" as she calls them, for 11 days. She takes a fiber supplement daily, we've tried Fleets enemas and she's on Colace. She's passing gas but her abd is hard and slightly distended. I'm so worried about her, she has so many issues. I'm hoping she can get in to see a primary care doctor right away. Thank you again very much.